Breathing pink since 2002
Been prancing around and breathing pink since 2002. Still living the dream. Here are 10 tips & truths I've learned (the hard way!) 1) Diets don't work - not in the long term. 2) [...]
I NEVER ever weigh myself!
I know at certain times of the month I am going to weigh more than others! Water retention, bloated tummy etc ( Hormones have a lot to answer to!!) And Ok, sometimes I eat [...]
Class Vibes
I’ve noticed something! When look around at the end of my class and we are breathing in our pink- everyone seems calmer and happier than when we started. Now I’d love to tell you [...]
April is weird!
April is going to be a strange month with the school holidays being separate from the Easter weekend. To keep you (and me) organised I have listed all my classes in April. There are [...]
I’m dreaming of a posture perfect Christmas
You will probably know how much I love a wee quote! And I can proudly say that I was sharing quotes before they became the most annoying thing about Facebook/Instagram/Twitter... I'll be honest-some of [...]
Sweet sixteen summer
I can hardly believe I have been teaching classes for 16 years... Doesn't seem that long. But you know what they say... 'Time flies when you are having fun!' Sixteen was the age I [...]
Where’s your head at?
Right now...This minute...What position is your head and neck in?I'm going to hazard a guess that you are hunched over your phone/iPad/tablet/computer with your head down?I'm right aren't I ??And now you are sitting up [...]
August is the new January
August is the new January... Here's why starting a new fitness habit is better in August... There is a sense of a 'new fresh start' in the air - schools going back after the summer [...]