Who Am I?
Hello, I’m Julie, embarrassing mum, wife and proud Fitness business owner & self confessed sportswear addict in my forties.
Here’s my (corny but true) story- I had a life defining moment, lying in a hospital bed with my naughty kidneys! I knew I had to get well, get out of there and teach exercise. Something I wanted to do since I was at high school.
I started teaching classes in 2002… I’m still going ( and thankfully so are my wee kidneys) and still loving it!!
During the Covid Pandemic, my ‘breathe in pink, breathe out grey’ quote inspired my new business venture ‘breathepinkco’
I was searching online for a pretty but practical fitness gift for a friend and when I couldn’t find anything- I had my breathe pink message printed on a few products and breathepinkco was born!
I am so proud of my wee collection of T-shirts, mugs, hoodies, sportswear and fitness pouches I hope you love them and want to buy them for yourself or a fitness-loving friend.
Have a look by clicking on the breathepinkco section. If you have any questions or if you would like to order -simply email me.
if you are going to skate on thin ice, you may as well dance!